Growth Checklists
SaaS Referral Emails

10 Best SaaS Referral Email Top Practices & Strategies (2024)

💬 If you have a SaaS referral program in place, you need to ensure you optimise your email strategy - so here's a checklist of top tactics and optimisations you should test.
by Dan Siepen
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💬 Optimising any referral program comes down to a major component that ties and drives performance, which is the email strategy for both the referrer and the referred - and also, a strategy to ensure you're actively promoting your program to existing users to uptake and participate.

In this checklist, I share various tests/experiments that I've seen from top brands, and also some areas that I do for initiatives like this.

Key areas to optimise and tactics to consider testing/implementing for referral emails (both sides)

💬 Enjoy going through these examples and tactical points I go through - more than happy to chat if you have any specific SaaS referral email questions. :)

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You want to illuminate what’s on offer to encourage more uptake for existing users to share, and also ensure the offer is clear for those who are receiving the invite. 

Going referral email example

This is a great example reference from 'Going':

  • Makes it clear what the incentive/offer is right at the top - very clear for readers when they open
  • The copy is good, which succinctly states what reward users can get, and what they need to do
  • The rest of the email is great in terms of branding and layout - like what they've done with 3 steps section

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From experience, a major component to help drive uptake of a referral program does come down to what the offer is. 

You can have your normal ‘baseline’/’always on’ offer, but it’s worth experimenting and testing out different incentives from time to time, tied to a promotional campaign that you’re wanting to push. 

I share more about referral program optimisations for SaaS startups and brands, that you can check out. 

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You can use referral mechanics outside of your typical ‘two-sided’ program - such as for waitlists or the likes of viral competitions. 

This is a fairly large topic in itself, so I’m more focused on sharing some awesome email examples related to pre-launches and competitions here. 

Digit example email

  • This is a great example of a pre-launch/waitlist email from Digit - highlights copy and motivation to encourage subscribers to share the link so they can move up the list in terms for first access.

Refind invite friends email

  • Good 'invite friends' referral email from Refind - like the simplify and clear CTA
  • Use of faces I also like to help assist in communicating to share with friends (which enhances the experience of the product)

Reveal play game example

  • I like this 'challenge' initiative from Reveal to encourage existing users to refer new companies, where they can win prizes
  • It's an initiative more SaaS brands should consider testing :)
  • I also like the copy at the end (which they could make more clearer earlier in the email) - more partners = more insights, etc.

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There are some core elements which you should be including as part of your emails to existing users/customers. 

You want to include:

  • Clear instructions on how the program works - use a mix of simple icons and succinct sentences
  • Highlight the offer/incentive and how payment works
  • Add in social proof - a review/testimonial from a top customer, or the likes of “UGC”, such as an image/video
  • And your other normal brand-focused USPs

This email example reference from Ticket Tailor possesses some of the elements above, and they’ve done a great job in terms of UI and branding.

  • Love the branding
  • Great testimonial from an agency
  • Simple and clear 'how it works' section
  • USPs at the end, and star reviews with mentions of 3rd-party platforms
TicketTailor example

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Related to what I mentioned as one of the key elements you should have as part of your referral emails are various social proof elements. 

As we know with social proof, you want to incorporate these elements to help build ‘trust signals’. 

And whilst we are promoting this type of program to existing customers/users who understand your product, it is a different ‘trust’ and encouragement to them to actively share with others in their network. 

So, you need to build trust to show your SaaS referral program is performing/‘successful' - and highlight that real users/customers are sharing with their friends/colleagues (and being rewarded).

In terms of what elements you can share, you can:

  • Include ICP-focused written testimonials/reviews
  • Image accompanied with a quote
  • UGC-style video reviews (or can use a GIF/image placeholder which links somewhere to watch the video)
  • GIFs of someone using the product (like an influencer/customers)
  • 3rd-party platform reviews - design or take screenshots
  • Screenshots from customer support/emails (with permission first of course)
  • Case studies

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You should be doing A/B split test for most single-based campaigns and automation flows - and most ESP’s have this capability in place, so it should be fairly easy to implement. 

You should be split-testing across elements such as:

  • Subject lines (for both sides)
  • Invitation copy (to the party receiving) 
  • Social proof elements like reviews, or including the likes of UGC, videos, etc
  • As mentioned above, test different offers to measure uptake

The key reminder here though is to ensure you are actively tracking your experiments via some sort of tracker. 

Typically I like to use the likes of Google Sheets or Airtable.

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Each ESP has the ability to add dynamic fields to emails (like names, etc), but the next step is checking integrations between referral software and ESPs to have the ability to add dynamic fields and personalisation for referral emails (for both parties). 

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This is more advanced to execute, and only really makes sense to invest in developing/adding to your program if you have a decent uptake in referrals, and a large customer base (minimum 10,000+ users/customers). 

It is great to have though to help motivate and encourage users to share, and see the status of shares they’ve done. 

Just like this great example from Busuu:

  • You can see right at the top the current stats of invites - invitations, friends on free trial, and the reward earned based on the statuses
  • Good structure from the top as soon as someone opens, with then clear heading and copy of what users can do to be rewarded
Busuu your invites email

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If you’re wanting to increase opt-ins with users/customers to refer others, you do have to ensure you are adequately promoting it (to help remind that it exists).

And one way to remind users is through adding in a small section as part of other email promotions/campaigns, or even via the likes of event automation sequences.

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As an experiment worth trying if you’re wanting to push opt-ins, is just doing a single-focused CTA promotion - just like this example from Postable. 

It’s a good tactic to test with top customer segments who are active (and/or via the likes of LTV-based, certain attributes, etc) and see what the participant rate looks like.

  • Simple, straight-forward and clear for users to "learn more"
  • GIF is a nice touch :)
Postable example
👋 G'day everyone, Dan Siepen here from down under 🇦🇺🦘🐨. I'm an experienced growth marketer w/ 8+ years exp. across SaaS, B2B, DTC & eComm. Get to know more about me (check my homepage too) & if you want to connect, just reach out. 👇
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💬 Quick note - I've put a lot of time into these marketing checklists, which I hope you'll enjoy. Of course, people will value these various checklists I've created differently based on experience, but I'm sure regardless of experience that there's a good nugget/insight somewhere that you'll pick up. Plus, I'm open to feedback, so if there's something missing or you have any questions, reach out to me. 🙂
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I don't send emails often (few times per year) but when I do I ensure to send emails worth reading related to growth marketing. I also send emails when I make updates to my resources or release new content worth reading. :)
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